Integrate in Mobile Apps

The MIRACL Trust Authentication platform provides facilities for various mobile application integrations. You can choose from one of the following options:

# MIRACL Trust Authenticator

The MIRACL Trust Authenticator is a mobile application available for the two major platforms - iOS and Android. It lets you use the MIRACL Trust authentication technology with minimal integration in the application, allowing you to authenticate to a web application, regardless of where it is accessed from.

# Authentication to a Web Application

Authentication to a web application integrated with the MIRACL Trust OIDC Authentication using the MIRACL Trust Authenticator does not require any integration on the mobile side. You can authenticate using any browser - desktop or mobile. When you authenticate via a desktop browser, you must scan the QR code displayed with a mobile device. This launches the MIRACL Trust Authenticator if it is installed. Otherwise, you are redirected to the corresponding App Store. Note that if you already have the Authenticator installed, you can use it to scan the QR code. If you are using a mobile browser, when the MIRACL Trust Authorization page is opened, you can launch the Authenticator and finish the flow there or use the MIRACL Trust browser login.

# MIRACL Trust Mobile SDK (Android, iOS)

The MIRACL Trust Mobile SDK is designed to allow integration of the MIRACL Trust Authentication into a mobile application. By abstracting the protocol and cryptography, the SDK aims to make the integration as simple as possible. The SDK supports all major mobile development languages for the two main platforms (Java, Objective-C, Swift, and Kotlin). For information about integrating the MIRACL Trust Mobile SDK into a mobile application, see Integrate in Android and Integrate in iOS.

# Hybrid Application

If you want to build a hybrid application, you can use the MIRACL Trust JavaScript library, which implements the client-side operations of the M-PIN authentication protocol. For more information, see the React Native Integration tutorial.

# Biometrics Integration

Mobile platforms provide biometrics-unlocked access to a secure storage area. MIRACL Trust can be integrated with this secure storage by storing the PIN within it. In this scenario, a biometric scan retrieves the PIN from the secure storage instead of asking the end user to input the PIN manually. During registration, an end user can select a PIN or have a random one generated for them. If they select their own PIN, they can use it as a fallback in case of a failure with the biometric sensor.