Auth0 Integration

Auth0 is an identity and access management platform. Using Auth0, developers can connect any application written in any language or stack, and define the external identity providers, as well as integrations, that they want to use.

The MIRACL Trust platform offers OIDC support which allows an easy integration with Auth0. For more information on OIDC, please read our setup guide.

In order to integrate an OIDC identity provider, you need to have a Developer Pro or Enterprise subscription in Auth0

# MIRACL Trust Application Setup

An application on the MIRACL Trust platform is required. It is used by the external identity provider created in the Auth0 platform. Learn how to register a new app here.

Note that when creating an app in the MIRACL Trust Portal, you need to fill in the Redirect URL, which Auth0 provides you with during the OpenID Connect identity provider setup where it’s named ‘Callback URL’. It’s in the form

# Auth0 Identity Provider Setup

Refer to the Auth0 documentation for a detailed guide on how to add an external identity provider from the `Connections

Enterprise` section of your account.

You need to fill in the following data to set up MIRACL Trust as an identity provider:

  • Connection name: MIRACL Trust
  • Display name: MIRACL Trust
  • Logo URL:
  • Issuer URL:
  • Client ID: Fill in the Client ID you received from the MIRACL Trust Application setup
  • Client Secret: Fill in the Client Secret you received from the MIRACL Trust Application setup

Ensure that the Callback URL you see on this screen is the same as what you filled in during the MIRACL Trust Application setup

After you create the enterprise connection, you can access the complete setting from Connections > Enterprise > Open ID Connect > MIRACL Trust. You should not have a need to change the additional customization options, but you should make sure that your setup is using the Back Channel type in order to work with MIRACL Trust.

# Enable MIRACL Trust for Your Auth0 Application

To use your new MIRACL Trust enterprise connection, you must first enable the connection for your Auth0 Applications.

# Test the Integration

In order to test that everything is working correctly, if you don’t have an existing application, you can download one of the Auth0 sample apps (using the technologies that you prefer). This allows you to quickly preview how MIRACL works with Auth0.