
MIRACL Trust offers an effortless login experience that puts users first, rolls out hassle-free, and keeps data locked up tight.

Single-Step MFA

Say goodbye to clunky authenticator apps and SMS.

MIRACL enables single-step MFA with a two-second PIN-only login process.

That means a quick and simple user experience - you don’t need a smartphone at hand for ID verification and so 99.9% of login attempts are successful.

MIRACL Trust is software-based and API-enabled to work from any device or browser. This means a quick and seamless integration with your IT platform.

MIRACL Trust does not hold personal data, passwords or PINs, so it’s fully resistant to all remote attacks - with zero security vulnerabilities.

For companies in the banking space, it exceeds PSD2 SCA requirements - the world’s highest authentication standards for banks.

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MIRACL Trust ID vs SMS 2FA Comparison Video

Multi-Factor, Single Step

Traditional multi-factor authentication is slow and cumbersome.
MIRACL is a smoother, safer alternative to traditional MFA.

  • 2 seconds to log in with error rates as low as 1/10th that of passwords.
  • No passwords necessary. One PIN, and you’re in.
  • Our cryptographic technology means that user info stays with users.

Deployment Made Easy

MIRACL can work how and where you need it to.
Blink your eyes and go from zero users to ten million.

  • Operates on 100% of browsers and devices, even your smart TV
  • Already have a security process in place? Integrate MIRACL at any point in
    that process to support the authentication methods you already have going.
  • Scale organically and only pay for what you use: no up-front costs and no
    hidden fees.

Data Protection & Privacy

MIRACL embodies Privacy by Design. We use the concept of the zero knowledge
proof to authenticate users without exposing any sensitive information.

  • No security-related information is stored on our servers or yours, which
    means that there is nothing for a hacker to steal.
  • Our digital signing feature allows you to cut fraud by binding transactions
    irrefutably to the user
  • Authentication happens on the device itself, which means we don’t even
    need to know your PIN!

Your PIN enables and disables your unique cryptographic key
and is never shared with anyone including MIRACL.

PSD2 Compliant

The European Union has the world’s highest authentication standards
for its banks. We go further.

  • MIRACL meets the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) standards of
    the EU Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2).
  • By deploying MIRACL, your organization can quickly become PSD2
    compliant for web and mobile banking.