# SessionDetails
@objc public protocol SessionDetails: Sendable
# Properties
# userId
var userId: String
User id entered by the user when session is started.
# projectName
var projectName: String
Name of the project in MIRACL platform.
# projectLogoURL
var projectLogoURL: String
URL of the project logo.
# projectId
var projectId: String
Project id setting for the application in MIRACL platform.
# pinLength
var pinLength: Int
Pin Length that needs to be entered from user.
# verificationMethod
var verificationMethod: VerificationMethod
Indicates the method of user verification.
# verificationURL
var verificationURL: String
URL for verification in case of custom verification method
# verificationCustomText
var verificationCustomText: String
Custom text specified in the MIRACL Trust portal for the custom verification.
# identityTypeLabel
var identityTypeLabel: String
Label of the identity which will be used for identity verification.
# quickCodeEnabled
var quickCodeEnabled: Bool
Whether the QuickCode is enabled for the project or not.
# limitQuickCodeRegistration
var limitQuickCodeRegistration: Bool
Flag indicating whether registration with QuickCode is allowed for identities registered also with QuickCode.
# identityType
var identityType: IdentityType
Identity type which will be used for identity verification.