

# SigningError

public enum SigningError: Error

An enumeration that describes signing issues.

# Cases

# emptyMessageHash

case emptyMessageHash

Empty message hash.

# emptyPublicKey

case emptyPublicKey

Public key of the signing identity is empty.

# invalidUserData

case invalidUserData

User object passed for signing is not valid.

# pinCancelled

case pinCancelled

Pin not entered.

# invalidPin

case invalidPin

Pin code includes invalid symbols or pin length does not match.

# signingFail(_:)

case signingFail(Error?)

Signing failed.

# revoked

case revoked

The user is revoked because of too many unsuccessful authentication attempts or has not been used in a substantial amount of time. The device needs to be re-registered.

# unsuccessfulAuthentication

case unsuccessfulAuthentication

The authentication was not successful.

# invalidSigningSession

case invalidSigningSession

Invalid or expired signing session.

# invalidSigningSessionDetails

case invalidSigningSessionDetails

The session identifier in SigningSessionDetails is empty or blank.