# AuthenticationError
public enum AuthenticationError: Error
An enumeration that describes authentication issues.
# Cases
# invalidUserData
case invalidUserData
User object passed for authentication is not valid.
# invalidQRCode
case invalidQRCode
Could not find the session identifier in the QR code.
# invalidPushNotificationPayload
case invalidPushNotificationPayload
Could not find a valid projectID, qrURL, or userID in the push notification payload.
# userNotFound
case userNotFound
There isn’t a registered user for the provided user ID and project in the push notification payload.
# invalidUniversalLink
case invalidUniversalLink
Could not find the session identifier in the Universal Link.
# authenticationFail(_:)
case authenticationFail(Error?)
# revoked
case revoked
The user is revoked because of too many unsuccessful authentication attempts or has not been used in a substantial amount of time. The device needs to be re-registered.
# invalidAuthenticationSession
case invalidAuthenticationSession
Invalid or expired authentication session.
# unsuccessfulAuthentication
case unsuccessfulAuthentication
The authentication was not successful.
# pinCancelled
case pinCancelled
Pin not entered.
# invalidPin
case invalidPin
Pin code includes invalid symbols or pin length does not match.