# AuthenticationSessionDetails
@objc public final class AuthenticationSessionDetails: NSObject, SessionDetails, Sendable
Object representing details from incoming authentication session.
# Properties
# userId
public let userId: String
# projectName
public let projectName: String
# projectLogoURL
public let projectLogoURL: String
# projectId
public let projectId: String
# pinLength
public let pinLength: Int
# verificationMethod
public let verificationMethod: VerificationMethod
# verificationURL
public let verificationURL: String
# verificationCustomText
public let verificationCustomText: String
# identityTypeLabel
public let identityTypeLabel: String
# quickCodeEnabled
public let quickCodeEnabled: Bool
# limitQuickCodeRegistration
public let limitQuickCodeRegistration: Bool
# identityType
public let identityType: IdentityType
# accessId
public let accessId: String
Identifier of the authentication session.