Mobile SDK

To sign a document, use the sign method as follows:

        result -> {
            if (result instanceof MIRACLSuccess) {
               Signature signature =
                       ((MIRACLSuccess<Signature, SigningException>) result).getValue();
            } else {
                MIRACLError<Signature, SigningException> error =
                        (MIRACLError<Signature, SigningException>) result;
                // Cannot sign the message/document due to an error.
) { result ->
    when (result) {
        is MIRACLSuccess -> {
            val signature = result.value
        is MIRACLError -> {
            val error = result.value
            // Cannot sign the message/document due to an error.
    message: <#Message hash#> ,
    timestamp: <#The time when the signature was created#>,
    user: <#Already registered user#>,
    didRequestSigningPinHandler: { pinProcessor in
        // Here the user provides their current signing PIN.

        pinProcessor(<#Provide your signing user PIN here#>)
    }, completionHandler: { signature, error in
        // The signature object can be sent to the server for verification.
[[MIRACLTrust getInstance] signWithMessage: <#Message hash#>
                                 timestamp: <#The time when the signature was created#>
                                      user: <#Already registered signing user#>
                     signingSessionDetails: <#Signing session details, if used, othewise nil#>
               didRequestSigningPinHandler: ^(void (^ _Nonnull pinProcessor)(NSString * _Nullable)) {
                    // Here the user provides their current signing PIN.

                    pinProcessor(<#Provide your signing user PIN here#>);
                } completionHandler: ^(Signature * _Nullable signature, NSError * _Nullable error) {
                    // The signature object can be sent to the server for verification.

The signature is generated from a document hash. To get this hash (for iOS), you can use the CryptoKit or CommonCrypto frameworks.

The signature needs to be verified. This is done when the signature is sent to the application server, which then makes an HTTP call to the POST /dvs/verify endpoint. If the MIRACL Trust platform returns status code 200, the certificate entry in the response body indicates that signing is successful.