DVS Web Plugin

# Install

In order to sign documents in the browser, you must include the MIRACL Trust DVS client library served from the MIRACL Trust CDN.


# Configure

Before using the DVS client library, you must configure and initialize it.

const dvs = new DVS({
  userId: "test@example.com",
  clientId: "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
  redirectURI: "",

You can see a full list of configuration options in MIRACL Trust DVS Web Plugin.

# Generate Signature

After configuration, you can call the sign method. This produces a cryptographic signature of the provided document, which you can store and verify:

    doc: "This is a test document for signing",
    hash: "a85675951451ebbcccb4c4d1a41dfe6cbf0f037ef505ffccd3d314930b3d7316",
    timestamp: 1608300866,
  function callback(error, signature) {
    if (error) {
      // The signing was not successful.
      // This can happen if the user entered a wrong PIN or
      // there was a malicious attempt to temper with the signing.

    // The signature was created successfully.
    // You can now send it to your back end for verification.

# Verify Signature

The signature must be verified on the back end. For more information, see Digital Signatures.