MIRACL Trust offers a JS client library which implements the client-side operations of the M-PIN authentication protocol.
# Installation
npm install --save @miracl/client-js
# Configuration and Setup
Before using the library you need to first create a configured instance of the client:
import Client from "@miracl/client-js/promise";
new Client({
projectId: "<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>",
seed: hexSeed,
userStorage: storage,
The projectId
and client_id
you can obtain by following the
Getting Started guide. We recommend setting up a
separate redirect_uri
for the application in the MIRACL Trust Console,
although this is not used for OIDC redirection.
# The Seed for the Random Number Generator
The seed is used for initializing the random number generator necessary for the security of the authentication protocol. Let us use the react-native-securerandom library in order to generate the seed:
import { generateSecureRandom } from "react-native-securerandom";
export async function generateHexSeed() {
const randomBytes = await generateSecureRandom(8);
let hexSeed = "";
randomBytes.forEach((b) => {
hexSeed += b.toString(16);
return hexSeed;
# The Storage
The MIRACL Trust client needs persistent storage for the identity data stored during registration and used for authentication. The client does not support asynchronous storage and expects an object, which has the following methods implemented:
setItem(name, value)
: string
: stringgetItem(name)
: string
returns string
In order to implement both this interface and avoid the asynchronous nature of most persistent storage mechanisms available in React Native, we can create a wrapping class. The class keeps an in-memory cache of the data in storage and maintain consistency by synchronizing with the async storage. Here is an example using @react-native-community/async-storage:
import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-community/async-storage";
export default class UserStorage {
storage = {};
initialized = false;
// The instance needs to be initialised asynchronously
// before passing it to the MIRACL client
async init() {
if (this.initialized) {
return this;
this.storage.mfa = await AsyncStorage.getItem("mfa");
this.initialized = true;
return this;
setItem(name, value) {
this.storage[name] = value;
return AsyncStorage.setItem(name, value);
getItem(name) {
return this.storage[name] ? this.storage[name] : null;
Although MIRACL Trust authentication does not rely on the security of the storage, we recommend using a secure storage alternative. You can read more in the Secure Storage section of the React Native official documentation.
# Creating Only One Instance
As we don’t want to create multiple unnecessary instances of the MIRACL Trust client, we can use an instance manager pattern, which creates and configures just one instance of the client and then pass that instance to any requester.
import Client from "@miracl/client-js/promise";
const Manager = {
instance: null,
configure: function (config) {
this.instance = new Client(config);
getInstance: function () {
if (!this.instance) {
throw new Error("Not configured. First call the configure method.");
return this.instance;
export default Manager;
This pattern works due to the ES6 module system. This module (where the object is defined) is loaded once, even if it’s imported in multiple places. This loosely ensures that there is only one instance of the manager and so only one instance of the MIRACL Trust client. This also gives the benefit of configuring the client in just one place and then reusing it where needed.
# Higher-Order Component
In order to use the MIRACL Trust client in your components you can utilise the higher-order component (HOC) technique. Here is an example of a HOC implementation:
import React, { Component } from "react";
export function withMiracl(WrappedComponent) {
return class extends Component {
render() {
return (
<WrappedComponent miracl={Manager.getInstance()} {...this.props} />
Although you can use the manager directly in any component that needs an instance to the MIRACL Trust client, the HOC technique has the benefit of configuring and injecting the client in just one place. You can see an example in the following section.
# Tie it All Together
With all of the setup we’ve done in the previous sections our App.js can now tie everything together:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import UserStorage from "./miracl/UserStorage";
import Miracl, { withMiracl, generateHexSeed } from "./miracl/Miracl";
import HomeScreen from "./screens/Home";
import LoadingScreen from "./screens/Loading";
// Create the HOC that has the
// MIRACL Trust client instance as a property
const HomeScreenWithMiracl = withMiracl(HomeScreen);
export default class App extends Component {
state = {
ready: false,
// We can use the async support for the lifecycle methods
// to ensure that all of the setup is complete before
// attempting any operations
async componentDidMount() {
const storage = await new UserStorage().init();
const hexSeed = await generateHexSeed();
projectId: "<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>",
seed: hexSeed,
userStorage: storage,
// Change the state after everything is configured
this.setState({ ready: true });
render() {
// Don't render the home screen until setup is complete
if (this.state.ready) {
return <HomeScreenWithMiracl />;
} else {
return <LoadingScreen />;
Now we can use the MIRACL Trust client in the Home screen:
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class Home extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
// Get the injected MIRACL Trust client instance
const miracl = this.props.miracl;
// Print a list of registered users
# Identity Verification
In order to register an identity, you must first obtain an activation token from MIRACL Trust. You can do this by using either the built-in MIRACL Trust verification process or the Custom User Verification.
# Custom User Verification
If you have custom verification configured for your project, you can follow the Custom User Verification guide to obtain the activation token. Then you can simply call the register method from a component as described in the Registration section.
# Built-in Verification
If you are using the built-in verification, you can start the process by calling the verify method:
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class Verification extends Component {
async verify(emailAddress) {
try {
await this.props.miracl.sendVerificationEmail(emailAddress);
} catch (err) {
This sends an email to the provided address with a verification link. The
verification link needs to be handled as a deep link by your application. You
can follow the
React Native linking documentation to
see how to set up the handling of that link. When the end user opens the email
link and the app is launched, you need to call the confirm
method in order to
finish the verification process and obtain an activation token:
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class Confirmation extends Component {
async confirm(initialURL) {
let response;
try {
response = await this.props.miracl.getActivationToken(initialURL);
} catch (err) {
# Registration
After you have the activation token, you only need to call the register method in order to create and store the authentication identity on the device.
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class Registration extends Component {
async register(userId, activationToken) {
let response;
try {
response = await this.props.miracl.register(
(passPin) => {
// Here you should prompt the user to enter a PIN
} catch (err) {
# Authentication
# Authenticating Inside the App
If you want your end users to authenticate before using the functionality in the
application, you can use the authenticate
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class Authentication extends Component {
async authenticate(userId, pin) {
let response;
try {
response = await this.props.miracl.authenticate(userId, pin);
} catch (err) {
// Send response.jwt to your back end
// backendResponse = await fetch('https://mywebsite.com/endpoint/', {
// method: 'POST',
// body: JSON.stringify({
// jwt: response.jwt
// })
// })
// const result = await backendResponse.json();
// console.log(result);
In the response, you get a signed JWT, which must be verified using the keys published in https://api.mpin.io/.well-known/jwks. You can then use any mechanism you want to establish the authenticated communicating between your back end and your mobile application. An example would be to issue a session token and send it to the application in the response for the code exchange.
# Using the App as an Authenticator
The application can also serve as an authenticator, which means that after a
successful authentication the end user is logged in on a different device. In
order to link the authentication session between devices we need an identifier
of the session and a method to transfer it. Since the authentication session is
generated for the device that the end user is logged in to, it needs to travel
to the application that we are building. MIRACL Trust offers several transfer
mechanisms, but the most easy one to set up is the QR code. The end user needs
to scan the QR code displayed on the MIRACL Trust authentication page in their
browser with our application. To scan the QR code and decode that data contained
in it, use a package like
After that simply calling authenticateWithQRCode
authenticates the session and
logs the end user in their browser where the QR code was displayed.
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class Authentication extends Component {
async authenticateWithQR(qrUrl, userId, pin) {
let response;
try {
response = await this.props.miracl.authenticateWithQRCode(
} catch (err) {