OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol, based on the OAuth 2.0 specifications. While OAuth 2.0 is about resource access and sharing, OIDC is all about end-user authentication.
MIRACL Trust is a standards-compliant OpenID Connect provider. You can use any OIDC Relying Party Library to integrate with MIRACL Trust. For a list of certified OpenID Connect Libraries, see
This page provides general information about integrating with the OpenID Connect implementation provided by MIRACL Trust. For high-level information about OIDC, see For a full reference of all MIRACL Trust OIDC endpoints, see the OIDC API Reference.
# Quick Reference
See the full OIDC API reference.
# Configure Automatically Using Configuration Discovery
MIRACL Trust provides OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration discovery
). This is used for
automatic configuration of your applications.
If you already have an OIDC implementation available in your application, you
can easily configure it to use the MIRACL Trust service. Most clients are
configured only with the issuer URL (
) and are automaticaly
configured using configuration discovery.
# Configure the Authorization Endpoint
The end-user authorization endpoint in MIRACL Trust is
. An example for generated authorization URI is:<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>&redirect_uri=<YOUR_REDIRECT_URI>&response_type=code&scope=openid+email
Here is a short description of the params in that URI:
- The Client ID generated on application creation in the MIRACL Trust Console. (See Start Low-Code Integration.)response_type
- Determines what authorization processing flow is used.scope
- The OIDC scopes that are used during authentication to authorize access to an end user’s details. (supported scopes).redirect_uri
- The place where your application receives and processes the response from MIRACL.state
- Used to maintain the state between request and callback.
For a full list of supported parameters and their descriptions, see the OIDC API Reference.
For more information, see the Authorization Endpoint section in the OIDC Specification.
# Fetch the JWKS
JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) contains the public keys that should be used to verify
the ID and access JSON Web Tokens (JWT) issued by MIRACL Trust. You can fetch
JWKS from
Note that you should not hardcode the JWKS, as it is a subject of change. The OIDC client needs to fetch the JWKS dynamically in order to assure that the ID and access tokens are properly signed.
# Exchange ID and Access Tokens Using the Token Endpoint
To exchange ID and access tokens use the
endpoint. You have to authenticate requests with Client ID and Client Secret.
The token endpoint supports basic and post authentication.
For more details, see OIDC API Reference.
# Receive Information About the Authenticated End User
To recieve information about the authenticated end user, use the
endpoint. You must authenticate the request
with an access token (returned from the token endpoint).
For more details, see OIDC API Reference.
# OIDC Authentication Flow
sequenceDiagram actor Alice participant Client as Client Web Site participant MIRACL as MIRACL Trust OIDC Issuer Alice->>Client: Request a protected resource activate Client Client-->>Alice: Redirect to the OIDC authorization endpoint Alice->>MIRACL: Open the OIDC authorization endpoint activate MIRACL MIRACL-->>Alice: Load the authentication client Alice->>MIRACL: Authenticate using M-PIN MIRACL-->>Alice: Redirect to the Redirect URL of the web site with an Access Code Alice->>Client: Open the Redirect URL Client->>MIRACL: Exchange Access Code for ID Token and Access Token MIRACL-->>Client: Return the ID Token and Access Token deactivate MIRACL Client-->>Alice: Return the protected resource deactivate Client
# OIDC Samples
For samples of integrations with MIRACL Trust using OpenID Connect for different technologies using popular open-source libraries, see