Start Low-Code Integration

Before you begin, you must register on MIRACL Trust.

# Create an Application

Once you register, you can proceed to create an application to use for integration within the MIRACL Trust platform.

  1. After you log in, go to your project.

  2. Select Applications on the sidebar.

  3. Click + Add App.

  4. Enter the details for your app:

    • App Type
    • App Name
    • Redirect URL (only for OIDC) - the URL which sends the user back to your app once authentication has been approved, to enable the final retrieval of user details. If your app runs locally on, then the redirect URL is, where the login endpoint usually handles the OIDC code exchange for ID and access tokens.
  5. Click Add App. Your app keys (Client ID and Client Secret) are displayed.

# Client ID and Client Secret

When you create an app, you are issued Client ID and Client Secret credentials. You need them when building your app to configure your OpenID Connect integration. The Client Secret is shown to you only once when you create the app, so make sure you copy and save it when first displayed.

To see the Client ID and Project ID, go to the app’s settings:

  1. Click Applications on the sidebar. A list of your apps is displayed.

  2. Click Settings next to the app you are interested in.

# Generate New Client ID and Client Secret

If you haven’t saved your app’s Client Secret, you can generate new app keys:

  1. Go to the app’s settings (as described above).

  2. Click the Generate New Keys button in the Danger Zone section. A dialog box is displayed asking if you wish to proceed.

  3. Click Yes.

  4. Copy the newly generated Client Secret either by using the copy button at the end of the field or by selecting and copying it manually.

Once you generate new keys, the old ones are invalidated.

# Next Steps

Now that you have registered on the MIRACL Trust Portal and created an app, you can integrate through OIDC or integrate directly with the Client JS Library. If you need a different verification flow you can explore Custom User Verification. If you want to use the authentication on a mobile device, you can either try the MIRACL Trust Authenticator or integrate the authentication in your application with the MIRACL Trust SDKs. If you are interested in signing documents, transactions and actions, see Digital Signing.