# MIRACL Trust OIDC API Endpoints

  • Authorization Endpoint - This API serves the authentication page.
  • Token Endpoint - This API returns the access and ID tokens.
  • UserInfo Endpoint - This API returns information about the authenticated user.
  • JWKS URI - This API returns a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) that contains the public keys that can be used to verify the signatures of tokens that you receive from your authorization server.
  • Configuration Discovery - This API returns OIDC metadata that can be used by clients for automatic configuration.

# Supported Scopes

Scope Type Description
openid Standard Must always be included.
email Standard Requests access to the email and email_verified claims.
dvs Custom Requests access to the dvs_keys claim. Required in order to execute DVS related operations after authentication.
mpin_id Custom Requests access to the mpin_id claim.
hash_mpin_id Custom Requests access to the hash_mpin_id claim.

# Supported Claims

Claim Type Description
sub Standard Identifier for the end user. Set to the user’s email address if using the built-in verification or the provided User ID for custom user verification. Always present.
iss Standard The issuer identifier for MIRACL Trust. Always present.
email Standard End user’s e-mail address. Present only if the email scope is included.
email_verified Standard “True” if the end user’s e-mail address has been verified; otherwise, “false”. Present only if the email scope is included.
mpin_id Custom Present only if the mpin_id scope is included.
hash_mpin_id Custom Present only if the hash_mpin_id scope is included.
dvs_keys Custom Present only if the dvs scope is included.