MIRACL Trust Client JS Library

# Installation

MIRACL Trust Client JS Library is available as an NPM package.

npm install --save @miracl/client-js

You can include the library in your build toolchain either as an ECMAScript or a CommonJS module. The library provides both a Node-style callback interface and a promise interface.


// Callback interface
import MIRACLTrust from "@miracl/client-js";
// Promise interface
import MIRACLTrust from "@miracl/client-js/promise";


// Callback interface
const MIRACLTrust = require("@miracl/client-js");
// Promise interface
const MIRACLTrust = require("@miracl/client-js/promise");

You can also use the pre-built browser version located in the dist/ directory:

<!-- Callback interface -->
<script src="dist/client.min.js"></script>
<!-- Promise interface -->
<script src="dist/client.promise.min.js"></script>

# Usage

# Configuration

To configure the library:

  1. Create an application in the MIRACL Trust platform. For information about how to do it, see the Getting Started guide.
  2. Create a new instance of MIRACLTrust and pass the configuration as an object:
const mcl = new MIRACLTrust({
  projectId: "<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>", // required
  seed: "hexEncodedRandomNumberGeneratorSeed", // required
  userStorage: localStorage, // required
  deviceName: "Name of Device",
  cors: true,

# User ID Verification

To register a new User ID, you need to verify it. MIRACL Trust offers two options for that:

  • Custom User Verification

  • Built-in Email Verification

    With this type of verification, the end user’s email address serves as the User ID. Currently, MIRACL Trust provides two kinds of built-in email verification methods:

    Start the verification by calling of the sendVerificationEmail method:


    try {
      const result = await mcl.sendVerificationEmail(userId);
    } catch (err) {
      // Handle any potential errors


    mcl.sendVerificationEmail(userId, function (err, result) {
      if (err) {
        // Handle any potential errors

    Then, a verification email is sent, and a response with backoff and email verification method is returned.

    If the verification method you have chosen for your project is:

    • Email Code:

      You must check the email verification method in the response.

      • If the end user is registering for the first time or resetting their PIN, an email with a verification code will be sent, and the email verification method in the response will be code. Then, ask the user to enter the code in the application.

      • If the end user has already registered another device with the same User ID, a Verification URL will be sent, and the verification method in the response will be link. In this case, proceed as described for the Email Link verification method below.

    • Email Link: Your application must open when the end user follows the Verification URL in the email.

# Registration

  1. To register the mobile device, get an activation token using the getActivationToken method and the received Verification URL:


try {
  const result = await mcl.getActivationToken(
} catch (err) {
  // Handle any potential errors


  function callback(err, result) {
    if (err) {
      // Handle any potential errors

  1. Pass the User ID (email or any string you use for identification) and activation token to the register method.


try {
  const result = await mcl.register(userId, actToken, function (passPin) {
    // Here you need to prompt the user for their PIN
    // and then call the passPin argument with the value
} catch (err) {
  // Handle any potential errors


  function (passPin) {
    // Here you need to prompt the user for their PIN
    // and then call the passPin argument with the value
  function callback(err) {
    if (err) {
      // Handle any potential errors

If you call the register method with the same User ID more than once, the User ID will be overridden. Therefore, you can use it when you want to reset your authentication PIN code.

# Authentication

MIRACL Trust Client JS Library offers two options:

# Authenticate users on the same application

The authenticate method generates a JWT authentication token for а registered user.


try {
  const result = await mcl.authenticate(userId, pin);
} catch (err) {
  // Handle any potential errors


mcl.authenticate(userId, pin, function callback(err, result) {
  if (err) {
    // Handle any potential errors

  // The JWT in the result needs to be verified by your back end
  // to ensure that the authentication was successful

After the JWT authentication token is generated, it needs to be sent to the application server for verification. Then, the application server verifies the token signature using the MIRACL Trust JWKS endpoint and the audience claim, which in this case is the application Project ID.

# Authenticate users on another application

When using the library to build a hybrid mobile application, you can use it as an authenticator to authenticate a user on another application or device. There are three options:

  • Authenticate with AppLink

    Use the authenticateWithAppLink method:

    try {
      await mcl.authenticateWithAppLink(userId, appLink, pin);
    } catch (err) {
      // Handle any potential errors
  • Authenticate with QR code

    Use the authenticateWithQRCode method:

    try {
      await mcl.authenticateWithQRCode(userId, qrCode, pin);
    } catch (err) {
      // Handle any potential errors
  • Authenticate with a push notification

    Use the authenticateWithNotificationPayload method:

    try {
      await mcl.authenticateWithNotificationPayload(pushNotificationPayload, pin);
    } catch (err) {
      // Handle any potential errors

For more information about authenticating users on separate applications and devices, see Cross-Device Authentication.

# Signing

DVS stands for Designated Verifier Signature, which is a protocol for cryptographic signing of documents. For more information, see Designated Verifier Signature. In the context of this library, we refer to it as ‘Signing’.

To sign a document, use the sign method as follows:


try {
  const signature = await mcl.sign(
} catch (err) {
  // Handle any potential errors


  function callback(err, signature) {
    if (err) {
      // Handle any potential errors


The signature needs to be verified. This is done when the signature is sent to the application server, which then makes an HTTP call to the POST /dvs/verify endpoint. If the MIRACL Trust platform returns status code 200, the certificate entry in the response body indicates that signing is successful.

# QuickCode

QuickCode is a way to register another device without going through the verification process.

To generate a QuickCode, call the generateQuickCode method:


try {
  const result = await mcl.generateQuickCode(userId, pin);
} catch (err) {
  // Handle any potential errors


mcl.generateQuickCode(userId, pin, function callback(err, result) {
  if (err) {
    // Handle any potential errors


# User Management

When instantiated, the library automatically initialises a user management object, which can be accessed via the MIRACLTrust.users property and includes the following methods:

# List

To retrieve all registered User IDs on the current device, use the list method:

const list = mcl.users.list();

# Еxists

To check if a User ID is already registered on the device, use the exists method:

const exists = mcl.users.exists("alice@miracl.com");

# Remove

To delete the registration on the current device for a specified User ID, use the remove method:


Note that this only affects the device on which it’s executed. Any other registered devices will still be able to authenticate.