

# SQLiteUserStorage

@objc public class SQLiteUserStorage: NSObject, UserStorage, Loggable

Concrete implementation of the UserStorage protocol that implements it with embedded SQLite database. It is fully encrypted with the SQLChiper encryption framework.

# Properties

# dbName

public var dbName = "miracl"

# Methods

# loadStorage()

public func loadStorage() throws

# add(authenticationUser:)

public func add(authenticationUser: AuthenticationUser) throws

# Parameters

Name Description
authenticationUser an authentication user that needs to be added to the storage.

# add(signingUser:)

public func add(signingUser: SigningUser) throws

# Parameters

Name Description
signingUser a signing user that needs to be added to the storage.

# authenticationUserExists(with:)

public func authenticationUserExists(with userId: String) -> Bool

# Parameters

Name Description
userId a user id to be checked in the storage.

# signingUserExists(with:)

public func signingUserExists(with userId: String) -> Bool

# Parameters

Name Description
userId a signing user id to be checked in the storage.

# authenticationUsers()

public func authenticationUsers() -> [AuthenticationUser]

# signingUsers()

public func signingUsers() -> [SigningUser]

# delete(authenticationUser:)

public func delete(authenticationUser: AuthenticationUser) -> Bool

# Parameters

Name Description
authenticationUser an authentication user that needs to be deleted from the storage.

# delete(signingUser:)

public func delete(signingUser: SigningUser) -> Bool

# Parameters

Name Description
signingUser the signing user that has to be deleted.