# MiraclTrust
Miracl Trust is the entry point of the Miracl Trust SDK. It is configured and connects with the MIRACLTrust Platform on its initialization.
Initialization is done through configure(context,configuration). After initialization, the SDK can be accessed through getInstance().
class MiraclTrust
# Types
Name | Summary |
Companion | Content object Companion |
# Functions
Name | Summary |
authenticate | Brief description Authenticate a registered user. Content fun authenticate(authenticationUser: AuthenticationUser, accessId: String, pinProvider: PinProvider, resultHandler: ResultHandler<Unit, Error>) |
deleteSigningUser | Brief description Delete a signing user. Content fun deleteSigningUser(signingUser: SigningUser) |
deleteUser | Brief description Delete a registered user. Content fun deleteUser(authenticationUser: AuthenticationUser) |
equals | Content open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean |
generateAuthCode | Brief description Generate an authentication code for a registered user. Content fun generateAuthCode(authenticationUser: AuthenticationUser, pinProvider: PinProvider, resultHandler: ResultHandler<String, Error>) |
generateOTP | Brief description Generate OTP for a registered authentication user. Content fun generateOTP(authenticationUser: AuthenticationUser, pinProvider: PinProvider, resultHandler: ResultHandler<OTP, Error>) |
generateQuickCode | Brief description Generate Quick Code for a registered authentication user. Content fun generateQuickCode(authenticationUser: AuthenticationUser, pinProvider: PinProvider, resultHandler: ResultHandler<QuickCode, Error>) |
getActivationToken | Brief description Default method to obtain activation token using the URL provided in the verification email. Content fun getActivationToken(verificationUrl: String, resultHandler: ResultHandler<ActivationTokenResponse, Error>) |
hashCode | Content open override fun hashCode(): Int |
register | Brief description Provides end-user registration. Registers an end-user for a given MiraclTrust Customer to the MiraclTrust platform. Content @JvmOverloads() fun register(userId: String, activationToken: ActivationToken, pinProvider: PinProvider, resultHandler: ResultHandler<AuthenticationUser, Error>, deviceName: String, pushNotificationsToken: String?) |
sign | Brief description Create a cryptographic signature of the given document. Content fun sign(message: ByteArray, timestamp: Date, signingUser: SigningUser, pinProvider: PinProvider, resultHandler: ResultHandler<Signature, Error>) |
signingRegister | Brief description Creates new signing identity in the MIRACL platform. Content @JvmOverloads() fun signingRegister(authenticationUser: AuthenticationUser, authenticationPinProvider: PinProvider, signingPinProvider: PinProvider, resultHandler: ResultHandler<SigningUser, Error>, deviceName: String) |
toString | Content open override fun toString(): String |
verify | Brief description Default method to verify user identity against the MIRACL platform. In the current implementation it is done by sending an email message. Content @JvmOverloads() fun verify(userId: String, accessId: String, resultHandler: ResultHandler<Unit, Error>, deviceName: String) |
# Properties
Name | Summary |
authenticationUsers | The registered user identities, stored inside the user storage var authenticationUsers: List<AuthenticationUser> |
signingUsers | The registered signing identities, stored inside the user storage var signingUsers: List<SigningUser> |