Read on how MIRACL provides the gateway to iOpen Innovations safety and sustainable platform built for the hotel and hospitality industry.
Read on how MIRACL provides the gateway to iOpen Innovations safety and sustainable platform built for the hotel and hospitality industry.
In August 2022 Cashfac hit a 99.996% login success rate. Only two failures in 50,407 authentications by over 1,200 agents. Discover how the login you love can help increase conversions, save…
Nigerian gaming company MyLottoHub supercharged growth with a streamlined registration process and UX, built around MIRACL Trust single-step MFA.
Cashfac VBT is the financial industry’s most-trusted virtual accounts cash management platform. When the company behind it looked for MFA that could keep things simple with cast-iron compl…
By replacing hardware tokens with MIRACL multi-factor authentication, Crédit Agricole Romania eliminates downtime and maintenance issues while delivering superior CX for 10,000+ customers.
Rite Aid offers in store employees multi-factor authentication that does not need a second device or mobile. MIRACL Trust allows employees to gain access to L&D solutions through a single-st…
<p><img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-cashfac.png" alt="Cashfac Company Logo" title="Cashfac Company Logo"></p> <p><strong>MIRACL creates new partnership with Cashfac – a global pioneer …
<p><img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-university.jpg" alt=""></p> <p><em>In a series of new, insightful blogs this summer, the CCO at MIRACL, Michael Tanaka, takes time to reflect on some …