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Are you missing out on revenue?

Successful login rates directly correlate to increased revenue for your business. That’s why we believe that the industry standard of 10% failure rate for passwords is unacceptable. Use the calculator below to discover the hidden revenue you could capture by using MIRACL Trust.

Boosting sales is not the only way MIRACL Trust improves your profitability. Did you know that over 20% (and as high as 70%!) of helpdesk time is spent on password resets? Imagine what your IT team could do with that time and those resources once passwords are out of the picture.

And the other great news is that our prices are one tenth of the cost of other Multi-Factor Authentication options, with no hardware necessary, so you’ll make savings there too. Its time to stop losing revenue through unsuccessful logins.

How much would your business save through streamlining employee logins?

Employees spend a lot more time than you might think logging in, causing lost productivity and wasted money. In fact, it is reported that over 20% of helpdesk time (and as high as 80%!) is spent on password resets.

Equally, 80% of data breaches come from weak, compromised or reused passwords. This means, there’s a strong business case for killing the password with a new, safer approach.

Our login success rate is as high as 99.9% - the highest in the industry - so you don’t lose out on time managing forgotten passwords.

And the other great news is that our prices are one tenth of the cost of other multi-step multi-factor authentication options, with no hardware necessary, so you’ll make savings there too.

Save time, be secure and invest in other areas of your business.


A 7% Increase

Total monthly revenue when users login with MIRACLTrustTotal monthly revenue


Your workforce could get back


days per year

Amount spent on wasted time
