
The verification service can be configured to display a list of accounts from different types of stores. When using this feature, inviting a user is as easy as clicking a button. There is the option to invite users by sending an email or generating an invitation link that can be distributed via any channel.

The accounts feature has a boolean configuration variable accounts-search that controls the search capabilities (filtering, sorting) of the accounts data.

# LDAP Integration

The LDAP integration allows the verification service to pull accounts directly from a directory. The LDAP integration supports LDAP and LDAPS protocols and simple authentication.

# No Authentication

./verification \
  --accounts ldap \
  --accounts-ldap-addr ldap:// \
  --accounts-ldap-base-dn dc=example,dc=com

# Simple Authentication

./verification \
  --accounts ldap \
  --accounts-ldap-addr ldap:// \
  --accounts-ldap-base-dn dc=example,dc=com \
  --accounts-ldap-user user \
  --accounts-ldap-pass password \


./verification \
  --accounts ldap \
  --accounts-ldap-addr ldaps:// \
  --accounts-ldap-base-dn dc=example,dc=com \
  --accounts-ldap-certificate $(cat ldap.crt) \
  --accounts-ldap-certificate-key $(cat ldap.key)

The SSL can be combined with the ‘Simple authentication’ if required.

# Fields Mapping

Objects pulled from the directory are mapped to an internal accounts model. It needs two fields - id and name. By default, they are mapped to mail and cn. The mapping can be configured using accounts-ldap-id-attr and accounts-ldap-name-attr flags respectively.

# Search and Filtering

Which accounts are pulled by the service can be configured by using the accounts-ldap-filter flag. The value is an LDAP query that will be used for requests to the directory server. Searching is also supported using a templated query configured with accounts-ldap-search.

# SQL Integration

The SQL integration allows the verification service to pull accounts from an SQL database. Supported databases are PostgreSQL and MySQL.

./verification \
  --accounts postgres \ # or mysql
  --accounts-sql postgres://postgres@ \

The table should be created and populated in advance:

CREATE TABLE accounts (
  user_id text,
  name text

# Redis Integration

The Redis integration allows the verification service to pull accounts from a Redis store.

./verification \
  --accounts redis \
  --accounts-redis :6379 \
  --accounts-redis-pass password \
  --accounts-redis-db 0 \

The accounts data should be populated in advance as hash Redis data structures. The format of an account data key should be accounts:primary_key and should contain two fields user_id and name. Here is a sample command to create an account record:

> hmset user_id name "User 1"

# API Integration

The API integration allows the verification service to pull accounts from an API. This API has a predefined interface and it could be authenticated using Basic Auth. The API should respond to a GET request accepting sort, direction, offset and limit to support sorting, filtering, and pagination and response with a list of accounts:

  "accounts": [
      "userId": "",
      "name": "User 1"
      "userId": "",
      "name": "User 2"
  "total": 2

The API integration is configured with the --accounts-api-url and --accounts-basic-auth-secret if required:

./verification \
  --accounts api \
  --accounts-api-url \
  --accounts-basic-auth-secret secret

# In-Memory

The in-memory storage is a static list of accounts. It is loaded in the service memory on service start. It is configured with the accounts-json flag formatted as JSON with the following format:


    "userId": "",
    "name": "User 1"
    "userId": "",
    "name": "User 2"
./verification \
  --accounts memory \
  --accounts-json $(cat accounts.json)