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The Next Big Thing: Improve Customer Login to Maximise Profit Potential - New Report Encourages Brands to A/B Test E-Commerce Authentication


“As UX practitioners, you and I question and improve every detail of the user experience, from overall strategy to atomic design elements. Yet somehow, we’ve let the whole login experience slide. It’s just as bad now as it was 10 years ago. In fact, it’s worse.” Simon, UX specialist

Ahead of the increasingly competitive Christmas retail season, a trend that emerged at recent conferences was how retailers are finally reconsidering their customer account login process. How?  By streamlining Strong Customer Authentication and simultaneously improving users’ journeys.

Too often, when confronted with an account login, it ends in failure for the customer and valuable sales are lost.

A preview into a new UX report, commissioned by MIRACL and due for release next month, unveils customer login as the missing metric to ensure the ultimate online shopping experience for customers. Particularly when they want the benefit of a larger screen than a mobile to consider their purchase. Retailers are being encouraged to A/B test this part of the UX to address immediate shortfalls in this critical element.

Traditional multi-factor authentication solutions typically require the user to have to hand a phone - with effective reception - to receive a one time passcode (OTP). Or a password that they need to have remembered from their last shopping experience with the retailer. Both require an additional step that significantly increases the risk of losing the customer at login, that typically occurs right before the last crucial hurdle to checkout and leads to cart abandonment - passwords are forgotten, OTPs are inconvenient.

The UX report also states that, as a retailer, by using a single-step multi-factor authentication on an e-commerce website you will immediately:

  • Potentially increase sales conversion by around 15%
  • Reduce costs by 90%
  • Save up to 70% of IT helpdesk costs (from customers unable to login smoothly)
  • Benefit from experiencing only 10% of the cost of passwords to manage

Michael Tanaka, Chief Commercial Officer at MIRACL explains,

“We’re so used to the complexity of managing passwords and multi-factor authentication like SMS codes, it’s easy to assume it’s something we’re stuck with: a sunk cost and a compromised customer experience. Something painful for everyone concerned. Today’s report reveals what we already know - the login experience that you provide for your customers will have an impact on your bottom line. And with Christmas sales looming and a murky economic forecast, every sale matters. What better time to reassess your logins.”

MIRACL is a single-step MFA which, with its passwordless verification, allows online customers an ultra smooth login process. Its’ unique technology enables authentication by recognising the users’ device with the PIN, making it ideal for the highly competitive online retail sector.  For further information visit


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Notes to editors


Highly secure, password-free login in just two seconds. The fastest way to improve the user experience, decrease costs and win lost revenue. MIRACL Trust is a PSD2 compliant multi-factor solution for both authentication and transaction signing that runs natively on any device without downloads. It’s GDPR friendly since no user data is stored or needed to integrate with any other identity or service platform. MIRACL’s global portfolio of clients include Credit Agricole, Cashfac, Experian and Domino’s Pizza. MIRACL’s technology is licensed to the US Government, Intel, Google and Microsoft. In a recent customer report out of 50,407 logins, only 2 people needed to reset their PIN to contact the helpdesk - a success rate 0f 99.99998%.

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