
News and articles

The Power of Zoom (2 min read)

16 Apr, 2020 by Michael Tanaka, CCO

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-zoom.jpg" alt="MIRACL Trust ID, video conferencing, zoom conferencing"> <p><strong><em>As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, the technological revolution only accelerates as workplaces across the globe go digital and the importance of online security increases in parallel. Whether it’s protecting email accounts or company data on your laptop – how we protect our data couldn’t be more critical as we find ourselves living in a digital lock-down world.</em></strong></p> <p>As face-to-face meetings are replaced by virtual conferences, Zoom is one app that has helped to revolutionise the way we ensure ‘business as usual’. But, as with all online transactions, security measures should be in place to protect your business. At MIRACL we specialise in securing authentication with a unique, friction-free, zero knowledge proof, PIN based solution, designed by one of the world’s leading crytographers, Dr Michael Scott.</p>…

The Perils of Trust-Me Authentication Part 1 of 2 (3 mins read)

10 Apr, 2020 by Dr Michael Scott

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-trust-me-athentication-part-1.jpg" alt="MIRACL Trust ID, 2fa, mfa, multi-factor authentication, trust me authentication"> <p><strong><em>Last month our Crypto chief, Doctor Michael Scott, compared FIDO to our MFA, zero knowledge proof verification system: MIRACL Trust, culminating in the publication of a new white paper - <a href="" target="_blank"></a> - Today, in part one of a two part series, he challenges the ‘Trust-me’ concept and highlights it’s dangers and the vulnerability it brings to the user.</em></strong></p> <p>Authentication is quite a crowded space with multiple Username/Password replacement proposals out there. One thing we all agree on – Username/Password is no longer fit for purpose. But what are the alternatives, and how might they be categorised?</p>…

Press Release: MIRACL Partnership with ForgeRock

07 Apr, 2020 by MIRACL International Limited

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-forgerock_logo.jpg" alt="MIRACL Trust ID, MIRACL, ForgeRock, ForgeRock Logo"> <p><strong><em>MIRACL BRINGS POWERFUL ZERO KNOWLEDGE PROOF AUTHENTICATION OFFERING TO THE FORGEROCK IDENTITY PLAFROM WITH NEW PARTNERSHIP</em></strong></p> <p>MIRACL today announces that they have partnered with ForgeRock, the leading provider in digital identity, to bring MIRACL’s Zero Knowledge Proof authentication technology to the ForgeRock Identity Platform. Supporting ForgeRock’s drive to transform the way organisations approach identity and access management, this strategic alliance will provide platform users the opportunity to access MIRACL Trust ® solutions via a pre-built integration.</p>…

MIRACL announces membership of OIX (2 min read)

01 Apr, 2020 by Michael Tanaka, CCO

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-oix.jpg" alt="MIRACL Trust ID, MIRACL, OIX, Open Identity Exchange"> <p><strong><em>MIRACL has become a member of the Open Identity Exchange – OIX - to further its position as an influential provider of simply secure authentication within online identity processes. Launching with a successful presentation to members last week, the MIRACL membership will provide the association and its members with valuable insight into the future of multi-factor authentication with zero knowledge proof.</em></strong></p> <p>CCO at MIRACL, Michael Tanaka, who presented to OIX members, comments: “Having worked with Experian for a number years it was inspiring to find out about the positive influence OIX has on the authentication industry. It’s great to be on board and we look forward working closely with the group in the coming months to share our insights and capabilities. In light of the current unprecedented international situation with Covid-19, and the accelerated move to digital living, secure online authentication has never been so important.”</p>…

FIDO - that dog won't hunt

26 Mar, 2020 by Dr Michael Scott

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-FIDO-logo-black-RGB.png" alt="Authentication, FIDO, M-Pin, Public Key Substitution, PKI, phishing attacks, credential databases, MIRACL"> <p><strong><em>FIDO is an authentication technology based on the mathematics of public key cryptography that emerged in the 1970s and the 1980s. It is promoted by a large industry backed consortium as the two-factor successor to the username/password mechanism, which is well understood as being no longer fit for purpose. But intrinsic to FIDO is the requirement for both client-side secure hardware and a vulnerable server-side credentials database. Here we propose a better solution which would ditch both of these requirements by separating the registration and authentication processes, and which provides true multi-factor authentication using more modern ideas that have emerged from cryptographic research.</em></strong></p>…

FIDO vs M-PIN and the credential database (4 min read)

24 Mar, 2020 by Dr Michael Scott

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-fido3.jpg" alt="MIRACL Trust ID, 2fa, mfa, multi-factor authentication"> <p><strong><em>If passwords are becoming redundant, what’s the solution? FIDO is an alternative approach, but comes with limitations. Using pairing-based cryptography to allow smart flexibility in the ‘secrets’ needed to enable authentication, MIRACL Trust ID takes security one step further.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>In the final blog of this three part series, MIRACL’s leading crypto expert, Dr Michael Scott, explains how this MIRACL technology works and why it’s the future.</em></strong></p>…

Working from Home – Securely (4 min read)

20 Mar, 2020 by Michael Tanaka, CCO

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-coronavirus.jpg" alt="MIRACL Trust ID, WFR, Working From Home, Coronavirus, Corona Virus, Covid 19"> <p><strong><em>Since February 2020 the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) alone has witnessed 21 types of online line fraud where Coronavirus was mentioned – with victims collectively suffering over £800,000 of losses.</em></strong></p> <p>Sadly, whenever there is a crisis, online exploitation invariably follows. As this unprecedented situation evolves, online threats are only going to increase. And, with thousands of workers moving out of their offices and into a ‘working from home’ environment, now is the time to re-enforce the importance of secure remote working. After all, it’s a very different environment from the relatively secure systems and processes to be found in many offices, and may well be a new experience for many.</p>…

Is the password history? (5 min read)

17 Mar, 2020 by Dr Michael Scott

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-passwords.jpg" alt="MIRACL Trust ID, 2fa, mfa, multi-factor authentication"> <p><strong><em>There is no question that passwords expose users to attack and replacing them is the goal. FIDO is all about Fast IDentity Online – secure authentication without the need for passwords. But FIDO has some obvious vulnerabilities which need to be considered and are covered in more detail in part 3 of this series of blogs.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Here, in part two of our 3 part series, our Chief Crypto Officer, Dr Michael Scott, highlights the outdated practice of ‘passwords’ and how they are simply not fit-for-purpose in today’s online world</em></strong></p>…

When two-factor authentication is not enough (4 min read)

09 Mar, 2020 by Dr Michael Scott

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-2fa.png" alt="MIRACL Trust ID, 2fa, mfa, multi-factor authentication"> <p><strong><em>Our resident crypto expert, Dr Michael Scott, explains the security principles of two-factor authentication and how attackers can step outside of their expected behaviour to bypass the security altogether. This is part one of a three part series on multi-factor authentication culminating with a critique of the FIDO authentication framework.</em></strong></p> <p>There is no confirmed case of anyone ever escaping from Alcatraz. Which is quite remarkable as it was open for many decades and housed thousands of desperate characters. Many, like Al Capone, had all kinds of resources available on the outside.</p>…

DECODE: Our Data, Our Future

04 Nov, 2019 by MIRACL International Limited

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-decodelogo.png" alt="DECODE Logo Turin 5th and 6th Nov 2019"> <h3 id="radical-tech-for-a-democratic-digital-society">Radical Tech for a Democratic Digital Society</h3> <h4 id="5th--6th-november-2019-la-centrale-nuvola-lavazza-turin">5th & 6th November 2019, La Centrale, Nuvola Lavazza, Turin.</h4> <h4 id="miracl-exhibits-at-influential-european-tech-consortium-3-min-read">MIRACL exhibits at influential European Tech consortium (3 min read)</h4> <p>At MIRACL we understand the importance of data protection. That’s why our authentication and digital signing services are based on the MIRACL Core Library and a Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) protocol. No personal data is ever stored or transmitted within our single step, highly secure, multi-factor, PIN based solutions. Trusted by banks such as Credit Agricole and gaming sites such as Bulbet, MIRACL Trust is easy to implement and eliminates the need for outdated passwords.</p>…

MIRACL shortlisted in the SBC Awards 2019

21 Oct, 2019 by MIRACL International Limited

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-sbcshortlist.png" alt="SBC Awards 2019"> <h4 id="miracl-is-delighted-to-announce-that-it-has-been-shortlisted-in-the-annual-sbc-awards---as-one-of-the-finalists-within-the-highly-competitive-fraud-and-compliance-solution-of-the-year-category">MIRACL® is delighted to announce that it has been shortlisted in the annual SBC Awards - as one of the finalists within the highly competitive ‘Fraud and Compliance Solution of the Year’ category.</h4> <p>Now in its sixth year, winners will be announced at a hotly anticipated SBC Awards ceremony in London on 3rd December. Recognising and rewarding expertise and innovation in the betting and gaming industry the awards comprise of over 40 categories - including 18 for suppliers.</p>…

The Role of Cryptography Then and Now (6 min read)

02 Oct, 2019 by Dr Michael Scott

<img src="/assets/images/miracl-blog-cryptography.jpg" alt="MIRACL Core, cryptographich library"> <p><strong><em>Cryptography has been a science since the 1940s. But how does it fit into today’s modern world and, most importantly, how can it steer effective cyber security? October is the Cyber Security Awareness Month both in Europe and the U.S., so there couldn’t be a better time for MIRACL’s Chief Crypto Officer, Dr Mike Scott, to explain the status of modern cryptography.</em></strong></p> <p>The importance of cyber security has never been clearer. Which, let us remind ourselves, has not always been the case. In the early days with all of the excitement around the potential applications of the Internet of Things, cyber entrepreneurs were gung-ho to push out products, with security either barely considered at all, or else as something to look at for version 2, all the while piously acknowledging security as “being important”.</p>…